User manuals

Here is a library of user manuals for current and expired toilet solutions, as well as other products. If the user manual you are looking for is not here, you are welcome to mail us at and we will make sure to send the user manual you require as soon as possible. Note that spare parts for all toilet solutions can be purchased via our spare parts webshop, spare parts for our older toilet solutions that are not available at the webshop are no longer part of the range. 

Urine Diverting toilets

Current models

Villa 9000


Villa 9000 - 230V

Villa 9000 - 230V

User Manual

Villa 9010


Villa 9010 - 12V/230V

Villa 9010 - 12V/230V

User manual

Villa 9020


Villa 9020 - 12V/230V

Villa 9020 - 12V/230V

User manual

Weekend 7010


Weekend 7010 - 12V/230V

Weekend 7010 - 12V/230V

User manual

User manual incinerating toilets

Current models

CINDI© Basic


CINDI© Basic - 230V

CINDI© Basic - 230V

User manual

Installation manual

CINDI© Family


CINDI© Family - 230V

CINDI© Family - 230V

User manual

Installation manual

Flame 8000


Flame 8000 (1174-02) - 230V

Flame 8000 (1174-02) - 230V

Installation manual

User manual

Flame 8000


Flame 8000 (1174-01) - 230V

Flame 8000 (1174-01) - 230V

User manual